Automate Creation of Development Server

Table of Content


The repository contains a concise summary. It contains the bare minimum required to get started. The aim of this article is to provide more in-depths tutorial.


In part one, I have shown how to create a remote development using DigitalOcean and rsync. In part two, I will show how to automate the entire process using Bash script.

To get started, you will need to install and configure the dependencies:

Once that is done, clone the repository. You can either set it up as a sub-module or as a standalone repo. To make be accessible from anywhere, copy it or symlink it into your PATH, e.g. /usr/local/bin.

The droplet can be configured using either Bash or yaml configs where examples of both are available in the repository. You would need to call the script either from one level up from or export environment variable CLOUD_CONFIG with a different path.

This script allows a certain degree of flexibility via environment variables. For instance, the config used can be specified via CLOUD_CONFIG. If you require a greater degree of customizability, you can either submit a PR or fork the repository.

Cool Features


Using is very simple. To get started, type help which will show you a list of available commands. Some commands support chaining, e.g., up prep sync which will run in sequential order. Generally, you can chain commands which have a fixed number of arguments such as up or down. Commands like ssh, cmd and copy can have any number of arguments so these do not support chaining. A good workaround is to add these commands at the very end, e.g. up copy file1 file2 file3.

Below is a list of available commands: up create dev server * down destory dev server * reset re-create dev server * sync rsync from local to remote * watch watch local for changes and sync deps install Node deps on remote * prep[are] shortcut for sync -> deps -> watch ssh start interactive ssh session ssh <cmd> execute command on droplet cmd <cmd> ssh <cmd> and replace cwd with local scp <path> copy from remote to local (cwd) copy<path> copy from local to remote (~/.repo/) cp <path> alias to copy command dist shortcut to copying dist/ from remote * host show public ip of remote * config create config from env var CLOUD_CONFIG * help show available commands * these commands support chaining, e.g. up prep sync

Here is an example of my workflow. I start with up, followed by prep. As this script supports chaining, here is what I do: up prep. If I need to run a command after copying files, I execute sync cmd <cmd>. Path re-write is useful if I want to be able to copy and paste path from the error stack straight away (cmd). For instance, I use iTerm which supports semantic history and with path re-write, I can open files directly from console on my local system.

Environment Variables

This script supports so-called settings via environment variables overrides. Here is a list of supported overrides:


In this article I have shown a Bash script which automates creation of remote development server. Part one went into technical details of setting up the droplet while this part (part two) automates this process.